laramcraft의 등록된 링크

 laramcraft로 등록된 네이버 블로그 포스트 수는 14건입니다.

Today’s class is the location of the sound. [내부링크]

안녕하세요? 한국어 선생님, 그레이스 입니다. I hope you continue to enjoy these classes. It is a cl...

Today’s class is The basic intonation of a Korean standard language. [내부링크]

안녕하세요? 한국어 선생님, 그레이스 입니다. This is the last class of this unit. It is a class for...

Conversation 1-1 A,B,C [내부링크]

Lesson 1. Part 1 - 이에요/예요, Part 2 - 은/는 Hello~ I'm Grace and your native Korean t...

Conversation 1-4 A,B,C [내부링크]

Lesson 4. Part 1 에 있다/없다 (에 있어요/없어요), Part 2 의 Hello~ I'm Grace and your nat...

Today’s class is 연음 The sound of connection. [내부링크]

안녕하세요? 한국어 선생님, 그레이스 입니다. This class is very important. In order to be good at l...

Hello, I'm Grace, your native Korean teacher. [내부링크]

안녕하세요~ 그레이스입니다. I majored in Korean as a foreign language and have a certificate as a ...

Korean alphabet - Vowels 모음 - (The pronunciation of vowels) [내부링크]

안녕하세요? I'm Grace and your native Korean teacher. Everyone~ Did you watch my introduction to Learning Korean (1~6) with important content? Thank you so much. From now on, we will learn the vowels 모음, consonants 자음 and final onsonants 받침 of Hangeul in detail. Don't forget that the basics are very important when learning Korean. '한글' Who, why, and how did Hangeul make it? Today’s class is Korean alphabet 한글. This class learns about Korean alphabet. It's good for a SUPER beginner who meets Korean fo

Conversation 1-2 A,B,C [내부링크]

Lesson 2. Part 1 -아요/-어요/-여요(1), Part 2 에 가요 Hello~ I'm Grace and your native K...

Do you know this? [내부링크]

Please look here. Students have so many these questions when I teach. I’ll give you an example....

Today’s class is a national language. [내부링크]

안녕하세요? 한국어 선생님, 그레이스 입니다. Nice to meet you! It is a class for students I meet f...

Today’s class is Korean and Hangeul. [내부링크]

안녕하세요? 한국어 선생님, 그레이스 입니다. Did you enjoy the first class? It is a class for stude...

Today’s class is the difference between a first sound and an end sound. [내부링크]

안녕하세요? 한국어 선생님, 그레이스 입니다. This class also contains very important content. It is...

Conversation 1-3 A,B,C [내부링크]

Lesson 3. Part 1 이/가, Part 2 이 아니에요/가 아니에요 Hello~ I'm Grace and your native ...

Conversation 1-5 A,B,C [내부링크]

Lesson 5. Part 1 하고, Part 2 단위 명사(개, 명, 마리...) Hello~ I'm Grace and your native...